
Full deck solitaire hint
Full deck solitaire hint


If no card small enough is available, it will pick the smallest available card. When selecting an appropriate card size, the game will pick the largest available card size that is a maximum of 1/8 the width of the available space. The game will need 8 times as much as the width of one card. The way it selects the image pack is based on the width of the cards, and the available width that the game can use. When you provide multiple image packs, the game will select the best fitting image pack to fit the space available. You can create your own image packs, or use the existing ones. Var game1 = new solitaireGame('solitaire1',document.getElementById('putgamehere')) If( !document.getElementById ) // To be nice to old browsers Lastly, you tell it to start the game using the 'startGame' method.Then you tell it what image packs are available using the 'addImagePack' method (more details on that later).The name can be re-used on other pages to allow the preferences to be shared between pages. The name will be used for storing and retrieving preferences, and multiple games on the same page must not share the same name. Firstly, you prepare the game using the 'new solitaireGame' constructor, giving it a unique name, and telling it where to put it (by passing it a reference to the holding element).In its simplest form, creating the game consists of just three commands. The easiest way to do this is include it inside a load event listener, but you should also be able to create the game immediately after creating the holding element. This must be done after the other scripts have been included, and after the holding element has been created. You then need to tell it to create the game.

full deck solitaire hint

Resizing effects when using the game preferences in IE, if you put it in a td). The element must beĬapable of holding div elements, so a div or td element should be fine (note that you may get odd You will then need to create an element for the script to put the game inside. To use this, take a copy of the CardGameCore script and the solitaire script, then insert the following into the head of your document: This script also requires my CardGameCore script, which must be included before the solitaire script.

  • NetFront 3.4 cannot use the solitaire options, and cannot automatically resize the cards when the window size changes.Īnd some DOM browsers may fail completely because their DOM support is not good enough:.
  • ICEbrowser may fail to display the cards properly because of a bug in its graphics handling.
  • iCab 3 cannot automatically resize the cards when the window size changes.

    Internet Explorer 5 on Mac cannot use the solitaire options, cannot automatically resize the cards when the window size changes, and cannot use drag-drop (it can only use click-to-move, and double click).Mozilla 1.0/Netscape 6-7 cannot double click cards to move them to the foundation stacks.Opera 7.x (fixed in Opera 8+) cannot use the solitaire options.Some browsers may have some little problems: Konqueror 3+/Safari/Chrome/OmniWeb 4.5+.


    Internet Explorer 5+ on Windows and Mac.This script is fairly heavily based on DOM, and should work in all browsers with a reasonable level of DOM support. Built in events model allows easy addition of animations or scoring modules.Ability to run more than one game on a page.Helpful debugging messages making it easier to set up your own game.Supports standard drag-drop gameplay as well as click-to-move (with partial support for spatial navigation).Changes card size automatically if the window is resized (in browsers where the capability is available).Automatically chooses the best card size for the width available (depending on what sizes you provide).Seamless saving and recovering of preferences, that can be used by multiple pages.Supports multiple card faces and backs, which can be changed without needing to restart the game.Can change between dealing one and three cards, without needing to restart the game.Uses JavaScript only - no Java or plugins required.Runs on all major browsers, and some minor ones as well.If your browser offers spatial navigation (such as Opera), you can use that to select the right card, but note that due to the number of positioned elements in close proximity to each other, the spatial navigation may have some trouble selecting the right cards. This makes it possible to use the game on devices that do not have a normal mouse. You can also double click on a card to move it to a foundation stack. Click the card you want to move, then click where you want to move it to.

    full deck solitaire hint

    Alternatively, you can use click-to-move. To move the cards from one stack to another, you can simply drag and drop them onto the destination stack. The game follows the basic rules of Klondike solitaire.

    Full deck solitaire hint